Foot & Ankle Specialty Blog

Yellow Toenails: Causes, Treatments, and Prevention Strategies for Healthy Feet

Written by Sweeney Content Team | Jun 21, 2023 7:37:36 PM

Healthy nails are not only aesthetically pleasing but also an indicator of overall well-being. However, when toenails develop a yellow discoloration, it can be concerning. Yellow toenails can arise from various causes, ranging from fungal infections to underlying health conditions.Understanding the causes and available treatments is crucial for effectively addressing this issue. In this blog, we will explore the common causes of yellow toenails and discuss potential treatments to restore healthy nails.


Causes of Yellow Toenails

  1. Fungal Infections: One of the primary causes of yellow toenails is a fungal infection, particularly onychomycosis. Fungi thrive in warm and moist environments, such as inside shoes, leading to discoloration, thickening, and brittle nails.

  2. Nail Psoriasis: Psoriasis, a chronic autoimmune condition, can affect the nails and cause yellowing. It can lead to pitting, ridges, and separation of the nail from the nail bed.

  3. Yellow Nail Syndrome: This rare condition is characterized by yellowish nails that grow slowly and may be thickened. Other symptoms include respiratory issues and lymphedema.

  4. Yellow Nail Staining: External factors, such as using dark nail polishes or constantly exposing nails to chemicals or smoking, can cause yellow stains on the nails.

  5. Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions, including diabetes, thyroid disorders, and lung diseases, can contribute to yellow toenails.

Treatments for Yellow Toenails

  1. Antifungal Medications: For fungal infections, antifungal medications, whether topical or oral, are commonly prescribed. These medications help eliminate the fungi and promote the growth of healthy nails.

  2. Nail Debridement: In cases of severe fungal infections or thickened nails, a healthcare professional may perform nail debridement. This involves thinning and trimming the affected nails to improve their appearance and allow topical treatments to penetrate better.

  3. Topical Treatments: Over-the-counter antifungal creams, gels, or polishes can be used for mild fungal infections. These are typically applied directly to the affected nails.

  4. Systemic Medications: In some cases, oral antifungal medications may be prescribed to treat stubborn or recurring fungal infections. These medications work from within the body to combat the infection.

  5. Lifestyle Changes: Adopting healthy nail care habits is crucial for preventing and treating yellow toenails. Keep nails clean and dry, wear breathable shoes and socks, avoid sharing footwear, and regularly trim nails to an appropriate length.

  6. Addressing Underlying Conditions: If yellow toenails are associated with an underlying medical condition, it is essential to work with a healthcare professional to manage and treat the condition effectively. This may involve lifestyle modifications, medications, or other targeted treatments.

Prevention Tips

  1. Practice Good Foot Hygiene: Keep your feet clean and dry, regularly washing and drying them thoroughly, especially between the toes.

  2. Choose Breathable Footwear: Opt for shoes made of breathable materials that allow air circulation, reducing the risk of fungal growth.

  3. Protect Feet in Public Areas: Wear sandals or flip-flops in public areas like locker rooms, swimming pools, and communal showers to prevent exposure to fungi.

  4. Avoid Sharing Footwear: Sharing shoes or socks with others increases the chances of fungal infections.

  5. Regular Nail Trimming: Trim your nails straight across and avoid rounding the edges to prevent ingrown toenails and damage that can lead to yellowing.


Yellow toenails can be unsightly and concerning, but understanding the causes and available treatments can help address the issue effectively. Whether caused by fungal infections, underlying medical conditions, or external factors, there are various treatment options available.


By seeking proper diagnosis and working closely with Sweeney Foot & Ankle, individuals with yellow toenails can receive appropriate treatment and restore the health and appearance of their nails.


Contact Sweeney Foot & Ankle today and let us take care of your toenail fungus once and for all!