It can be hard to distinguish between dry, cracked and rough feet and feet that have foot fungus. If you notice scaly, patchy skin, or your feet are itching or burning, you may be wondering how to treat the problem. Dry feet need to be treated differently than feet that have foot fungus. Here is some information to help you distinguish between the two treatments and some information on how you can best treat both dry feet and foot fungus, such as athlete's foot.
Try to Identify Whether You Have Dry Feet or a Foot Fungus
The first step to treating dry feet or foot fungus is to try to identify what you have. Both dry feet and foot fungus can look alike if they are left in place for a long period of time. As a general rule of thumb, foot fungus target between the toes and around the heel area far more than the rest of the foot. If your problems are central to these areas, you likely have foot fungus. Foot fungus can also itch and burn. It is rare that dry skin will be so itchy that you may be trying to rub your foot on the carpet for relief. Dry skin can target your entire foot. It also seems to improve, though may not be completely eliminated, with home treatments.
Treating Dry Feet
If you suspect you have dry feet, there are many at home treatments you can try. One of the treatments you can use is a foot soak. Soak your feet in cool water with a cup of white vinegar or apple cider vinegar. After soaking your feet for 10 to 15 minutes, use a pumice stone to remove dry skin. Dry your skin thoroughly and then put on a moisturizing lotion. Do not use scented lotions, as they can dry your feet out further. Place a sock on your foot to help the lotion soak into your foot. Continuously coat the foot in a generous layer of lotion around the clock to soften the dry skin and improve cracks and pain in your foot.
Treating Foot Fungus
If you suspect you have a foot fungus, such as athlete's foot, you will want to use anti-fungal products. There are many different anti-fungal products on the market. There are sprays and lotions you can apply to your feet. There are also wipes and powders you can use on your shoes to remove the fungus from the shoe. Use these products for a week to see if you see any improvement i your condition. If the condition improves, continue your course of action. In addition to treating your shoes and feet, be sure to wash your soaks, bedding and bath mats in hot water to kill the fungus. Use a fungus killing product to mop the floors in your bathroom. You have to eliminate the fungus completely or it can come back.
It can be hard to differentiate between foot fungus and dry or cracked feet. And unfortunately, even if you properly diagnose what you have, you may not always be able to treat the condition on your own. If you have feet that are bothering you, and you have tried over-the-counter treatments to no avail, Sweeney Foot & Ankle Specialists can help you. We can take a look at your feet and diagnose exactly what is going on. From there, we can put together a complete treatment plan to help resolve the issues with your feet. Call us now to schedule your appointment.