February Feet: Top 5 Tips to get Your Winter Feet Ready for Summer

Summer is on its way, and you’re certainly going to want to slip on some comfy beach sandals and set your feet free. If you’re like most of us, you’ve probably had them buried in winter boots for a while now, so they might not look their best. Not to worry. There’s plenty of time to get your feet into better shape and ready to come out when things warm up. Here are a few foot-friendly tips to help you get your feet sandal-ready by summer.
A Preliminary Pampering
After long weeks pent up in heavy winter boots, your feet are going to be rough and rumpled. Bring them back to life with a hot soak using essential oils and some nice bath salts. Allow them to soak for 10 minutes, and repeat at least once every few days. This will remind your feet that they aren’t just for standing on and get them warmed up for beach time.
Scrub Time
Now that you’ve got those callouses softened up a bit, you’re ready to begin taking off those callouses and other rough edges that have built up over the last few weeks. All that dead skin doesn’t want to come off by itself, so you’ll need to help out a bit. Pick up a nice old-fashioned pumice stone or a high-quality scrubber.
Massage for the Win
As with any aspect of health, healing and rejuvenation don’t happen without good circulation. A nice foot massage is a great way to work the life back into your feet and get those ligaments and tendons limber and supple again. If you’re into fitness — and especially if you’re a runner — foot massage is an excellent way to keep your feet healthy and limber. If you’ve never received personal care at a spa, getting a professional foot massage is a great way to test the waters.
Moisturize, Cut & File
Feet are tough, and they’re especially good at protecting themselves from damage. That means the skin can become tough and rough very quickly. Unless you’re barefooting in the redwoods, you don’t need that to happen. Prevent your feet from reverting to their winterized condition by keeping them moisturized with a high-quality body cream.
Last, Not Least: Nails
Now, it’s nail time. First, be careful not to cut too low. Being overly aggressive with toenails can lead to infections and ingrown toenails, which can be extremely painful. Simply clip them flush with the edge of the nail bed and gently file down all the rough spots. Consider using non-toxic nail polish.
Finally, do your best to give your feet a chance to breathe. The weather might be cold for a while longer, but you can still choose more air-permeable footwear; look for opportunities to slip your shoes off during those long work days. Keep up these good habits for just a few months, and you'll be sandal-ready and beach-bound by summer.