The Woodlands (281) 292-4944 | Magnolia (281) 789-4956

Certified by the American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery

Foot & Ankle Specialty Blog

Blog Articles about Foot & Ankle Issues, Treatments and Management from Sweeney Foot & Ankle, The Woodlands and Magnolia, Texas

Frequent Ankle Injuries and Symptoms

Ankle injuries happen daily. With all the muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones in your feet and ankles, there’s a lot of elements at risk. Most people think that ankle injuries stem from playing sports or being active in some way, but in r...

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Bunion Pain? Find Relief with These Exercises

When the base of your big toe becomes swollen and results in a large bump, you may have a bunion. Over time, bunions can lead to arthritis a...

Working Out and Your Feet: What You Need to Know

The New Year is almost here, and many people will resolve to get healthier and begin to workout. And those who may routinely hit the gym may...

Causes and Cures for Dry Feet and Foot Fungus

It can be hard to distinguish between dry, cracked and rough feet and feet that have foot fungus. If you notice scaly, patchy skin, or your ...
Beautiful young woman with long dark hair lying on her back on a white sofa at home with her feet up

3 Common Toenail Issues -- and How to Care for Them

A broken or inflamed toenail may not sound like a big deal, until you are limping around and unable to wear your favorite shoes. Learning mo...
Walking in high-heels - isolated over a white background

The Top 5 Health Effects of Wearing High Heels

High heels are a wardrobe staple for many fashion-minded women. This particular accessory does have downfalls, unfortunately, including a nu...
Digital composite of Highlighted foot bones of jogging woman

What are Podiatrists — and How Can They Help?

If you suffer an injury or develop a medical condition affecting the feet, ankles or lower legs, your physician may refer you to a podiatris...
Health Insurance - Folder Register Name in Directory. Colored, Blurred Image. Closeup View.

3 Reasons Why You Need to Use Your Medical Benefits Before 2019 Ends

The end of the year is almost here. If you have not already done so, you might want to consider making an appointment with a medical profess...
Feet in a bed against a white background

Everything You Need to Know About Toenail Fungus

More formally known as onychomoycosis (on-ih-koh-my-KOH-sis), this fairly common condition isn’t quite as scary as it may sound. However, it...
Small faces painted on the soles of a young boy

Is My Child's Foot Fractured?

There are many tiny bones in the foot, so it can be difficult to see a serious injury like a fracture, especially in children. Tiny bones ar...